What I seek to both uncover and create is what I call the Dharma Code, the way things connect and work at multiple levels of reality, from the largest and most observable, to the smallest and most obscure. I am aware that ‘what I see’ is largely determined by the narrative codes that I bring to the experience. In physics, it’s called “the measurement problem.” In social theory, it’s called ‘constructivism.’ I am aware that we construct the world we observe, through the way we observe it. And I believe that we create the version of the world that we are capable of knowing. This is not the same as saying that ‘we create reality’. But we create the version of reality that we want to experience. Nonetheless, I believe we can consciously construct new heuristic narratives, that I call ‘dharma codes,’ which can reveal these multiple layers of interconnected reality. This is a cybernetic dharma, a dharma that is explored with experiments in language and meaning.

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